Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius

Thursday, January 26, 2012

That time of the month.

So its that time of the month again. The first thing I think of is, great, thanks for the constant reminder that my girly parts suck! I always deal with pain because of the endometriosis and somedays it really feels like a slap in the face. However the pity party stopped sooner this time than usual. I instantly found myself unsarcastically saying "Thank You". Thank you for reminding me that things aren't always perfect, but that doesn't mean it's bad or wrong or still doesn't lead to the same wonderful end. I felt hopeful and excited about our future adoption. It wasn't the sadness I've felt before thinking a family and a child were out of reach.
I know my day and time will come and I very much look forward to it.
I feel moved thinking of the selfless act that will bring a birthmother to give her baby to us someday and trust us with the biggest decision of her life. I feel proud to have decided to take this path and encouraged by the amazing support of our family and friends. I feel grateful that infertility doesn't have to equal no hope.